Monday, September 19, 2011

First Post

I decided to try this whole blogging thing once again. Two years ago, I made a blog and could not keep up with it due to ADD/school/50 million things going around. Who knows? I do a lot more things since graduating college, and it's been an interesting journey along the way.

This past weekend, I visited what I like to call The Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is best known as "Sephora," but I am a makeup-aholic so it is a nice place to lose myself for 2-3 hours. On this particular visit, I decided to set myself to a budget of $100. OK, you think I am ridiculous for that amount. Try and go there without dropping AT LEAST 30-40 bucks. I restocked my favorite pieces as well as some new things I have been meaning to try.


I swear this color looks good on EVERYONE. 
If you get as hot as I do, this will prevent your makeup from ever
coming off.

Alright, just a starter piece to see how everything goes. 
Thanks for reading!


  1. You said 'sanctuary' and I was thinking 'oh, here's a serious topic. And then you said Sephora and it all made sense. I need you to come with me to Sephora and tell e what to buy, haha.

  2. Oh snap I am a better sister than your little because I follow your blog!
